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The Transportation, Public Works, Salisbury-Rowan Utilities, and Land and Development Departments have worked with engineering consultant Alley, Williams, Carmen and King to generate an updated Draft Uniform Construction Standards Manual (Draft UCSM). The manual, which has not received a full update since the mid-1990’s, will aid the city, designers and developers by providing a manual that:

  • Provides clear, up-to-date requirements to address infrastructure needs associated with increased development
  • Offers consistency with other state and local codes
  • Adds checklists and required notes to aid designers in plan submittals, and updates submittal process to be current with digital technology
  • Provides opportunity for use of alternate materials

A full list of significant changes is available on the website, along with the full Draft Uniform Construction Standards Manual. A drop-in style public meeting will be held from 4:00 pm to 6:00 pm on Wednesday, December 6, 2023 at Park Avenue Community Center, 632 Park Avenue, Salisbury, NC 28144. Staff will be on-site to answer questions and receive input regarding the Draft UCSM prior to recommendation for final adoption.

Contact Us

Transportation Director

Wendy Brindle
(704) 638-5201

What significant changes have been made in the Draft UCSM?

  1. Added checklists for designers to assist with the required information to reduce multiple submittals.
  2. Added required notes on construction plans for roadway, water, and sanitary sewer to assist with construction and inspections.
  3. Updated requirements for plan submittal and record drawings to be current with today’s digital technology to help reduce paper copies.
  4. Added a section for encroachments to aid in tracking utility installations within public rights-of-way.
  5. Added required standard certifications for infrastructure accepted by the City to add a layer of accountability of the construction accepted for City maintenance. (Stormwater, SCM, bridges, retaining walls, and streets)
  6. Better defined stormwater calculations to assist staff with reviewing new projects.
  7. Added options for developers to utilize to assist with water quality. This will assist with small sites and also lets the developers choose alternates to SCM without compromising water quality.
  8. Provided information regarding requirements for Flood Studies and Special Structures.
  9. Changed minimum standards for streets that will benefit Public Works with street maintenance.
  10. Added International Fire Code requirements that assists inspectors and the Fire Department.
  11. Shifted some standards to NCDOT specifications and standard drawings to cut costs of future City revisions of the Standards Manual.
  12. Qualified the minimum build out of subdivisions before the City will accept the streets (85%).
  13. Added standards for utilization of valley curb and gutter, HDPE, HPPE, and Corrugated Aluminized Metal Pipe in the right-of-way.
  14. Added requirements for retaining walls.
  15. Added information for bridge installations.
  16. Added specifications for greenways.
  17. Consolidated the old manual information into each section of the new manual for ease of use.
  18. Additional standard drawings were incorporated into the manual.

Why make updates to the UCSM?

  • The current UCSM is outdated.
  • The current UCSM is not consistent with other codes.
  • Increased development in Salisbury.
  • Need to add new standards to address increasing concerns.

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