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Planning for Salisbury

Planning services, in partnership with citizens and stakeholders, has developed a number of city-wide and special area plans for Salisbury over the years. These plans help identify specific challenges, establish measurable goals, and provide detailed policy guidance to City Council and other local government decision-makers for moving the city forward.

At the end of the day, we want to help create a vibrant, attractive, and well-connected community where people can live and work with a high standard of living and good access to public services, shops and restaurants, and open spaces. Planning helps by synthesizing the hopes and fears of the community and by collaboratively establishing a clear, shared vision.

Public Outreach

Your feedback plays a vital role in helping to plan for the future of the city and your neighborhood. Each plan on this page is the result of a thorough, collaborative, and transparent public process. We invite the public to share your ideas, questions, and concerns at various stages because plans impact everyone in both big and small ways.

Outreach may include:

  • Public meetings and workshops
  • Convening and meeting with public stakeholder groups or steering committees
  • Providing updates and information via direct mail, news releases, and social media
  • Public hearings at board and commission meetings and City Council

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South Main Area Plan

South Main Area Plan Logo

A Gateway For Redevelopment

South Main Street was identified as an Activity Corridor in the Forward 2040 Comprehensive Plan, as a gateway with tremendous potential for redevelopment. This plan will review land use and zoning rules, walkability, economic development opportunities, and community amenities like public art.

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Kesler Mill

Former Kesler Mill Redevelopment

After cleaning up the former Kesler Mill site with a grant from the EPA Brownfields Program, the City is asking for community input on redevelopment options.

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Forward 2040 Comprehensive Plan

Forward 2040 Logo

Salisbury's Framework For Growth

converge on Salisbury, the City faces important issues related to urban growth. The Forward 2040 Comprehensive Plan process was initiated to address the City’s challenges and opportunities head-on.

Comprehensive planning is a process to determine a community’s long term goals and aspirations related to the development of the community. The plan itself is designed to guide future actions, specifically how to make decisions on public infrastructure investments, and private land development proposals.

Forward 2040: Salisbury’s Framework for Growth was adopted by City Council on February 21, 2023.

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Adopted Plans and Studies


This plan is a visionary, yet practical approach towards making Salisbury a better place to live and bike in the coming years.

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The Salisbury Cultural Action Plan establishes four goals and a series of supporting strategies for attaining those goals.

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A comprehensive plan from multiple stakeholders for managing growth in Downtown Salisbury, NC.

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The study evaluates existing conditions for parking in Downtown Salisbury. It also recommendeds short-term and long-term improvements.

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The study is to improve safety, multi-modal capacity and the aesthetics of the Innes and Long Street Corridors in Salisbury.

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Constituents wanted the plan's emphasis to be on the overall area and less on the spine thoroughfare.

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This includes the Downtown Restriping Plan and the Downtown Salisbury Main Street Project which improve the safety, mobility and appearance of a 10 block section of Main Street.

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This plan is to provide recommendations for land use and infrastructure that are in alignment with the the neighborhood’s vision for its future.

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Jersey City is one of the oldest and strongest neighborhoods in Salisbury and truly is a pillar of the community.

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A community-driven visioning process for residents, anchor institutions, elected officials, public service agencies and the West End community.

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Five-Year Plan

Every five years, the Planning Services Division develops a five-year consolidated plan to guide its housing and community development strategy for that period. The plan outlines how funds from the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) and HOME Investment Partnerships programs will be utilized, and all HOME/CDBG budgets developed during the specified period must be consistent with the priorities and goals of the consolidated plan.

Each five-year plan is developed with extensive input from citizens and stakeholders, including representatives from public service agencies that serve low-to-moderate income (LMI) households, special needs and elderly populations, the homeless, and public housing residents.

The 2015-2019 Consolidated Plan identified a major and ongoing problem in Salisbury: the cost of housing, including rental units, continues to exceed the ability of low-wage households to pay without experiencing a significant cost burden. The consolidated plan elaborates upon the need to increase the supply of high-quality, affordable housing in Salisbury.

2015-2019 Consolidated Five Year Plan

2020-2024 Consolidated Plan Update

In 2014-15, Salisbury City Council adopted the 2015-2019 Consolidated Plan, which describes community needs and determines local priorities for using public resources to assist low- and moderate-income (LMI) residents of Salisbury over a five-year period. The Consolidated Plan is augmented by Annual Action Plans (such as this FY 2019-2020 Action Plan), which identify how the City will spend limited public resources each year to meet the goals and priorities of the 2015-2019 Consolidated Plan.

In 2019-20, the City will update its Consolidated Plan for the period between 2020-2024. This Update represents an important opportunity for all citizens of Salisbury to review the City’s existing community development goals and priorities, and offer feedback to ensure Salisbury continues to operate a strong and effective Community Development program. The goals and priorities of the 2020-2024 Consolidated Plan have not yet been determined, and will be adopted by City Council only after an extensive community participation and consultation process. However, based on citizen feedback over the previous several years, the following general themes have emerged as important considerations for the City moving forward:

  • Taking additional meaningful actions to affirmatively further fair housing and to incorporate fair and affordable housing planning into city-wide planning policies;
  • Ensuring meaningful community engagement at all stages of plan development, and that outreach strategies reach the broadest possible audience, including low-income persons, communities of color, persons with disabilities, and other historically-underrepresented groups and relevant stakeholder organizations;
  • Building stronger bonds of trust with all community groups, and ensuring that the history, context, and needs of such communities are not overlooked;
  • Providing clearer and more detailed information about Salisbury’s Community Development program on the City’s official websites and other media; and
  • Ensuring the City follows best practices in its community development strategies while also giving due consideration to implementing innovative practices where appropriate.

Public outreach regarding this project will begin in Summer 2019.

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