The City of Salisbury is rolling up its sleeves and joining the NCDOT Litter Sweep from April 12-26 as part of the statewide effort to keep North Carolina clean. Over these two weeks, Salisbury will take action in three key ways:
Community Appearance Index – To kick off the sweep, the Keep Salisbury Beautiful committee and City staff will conduct an annual roadside litter audit. This assessment helps measure the amount of litter in our community and is a key requirement for Salisbury’s status as a Keep America Beautiful affiliate.
City Department Cleanups – City departments have each selected a day to clean up a designated area. Public Works will provide supplies, and the Solid Waste team will track the total amount of litter collected.
Community-Wide Cleanup Event – Join us on Saturday, April 26 from 9 to 11 a.m. to help collect litter around the intersection of Bendix Drive and Market Station Drive. We will meet up in the parking lot of Lowe’s at 207 Faith Rd. To let us know you’re coming, register at
Let’s work together to Keep Salisbury Beautiful!