Statement from Police Chief Jerry Stokes regarding "Cruise Downtown Salisbury"
As Chief of the Salisbury Police Department, I have worked to encourage growth in our downtown and was happy to see the gathering of auto enthusiasts on weekend evenings and what it does to help businesses in our Municipal Service District. While there were some initial concerns, the Police Department had not observed any behaviors that led us to direct our officers to address unlawful activity related to the gatherings. After several weeks, based on our observations and the complaints from residents and visitors in the downtown area of racing, public consumption of alcohol, and noise from screeching tires and revving or general modified engine noise, I am left with no choice but to direct SPD officers to strictly enforce the following laws and statutes:
Salisbury Municipal Code
Sec. 15-14. Unlawful consumption of beer, wine, or liquor on property owned by the city, any public building, street, sidewalk, alley, park or parking lot owned, occupied, leased or maintained by the city.
Sec. 16-67. Unlawful creation of any unreasonably loud, disturbing and unnecessary noise is prohibited such as the modified engine noises and revving of engines or screeching of tires.
Sec. 13-77. Cruising, which encourages engine revving and racing. SPD will begin to designate the area downtown that is a “no cruising area” for enforcement purposes. Any modification to the routes used by car enthusiasts will cause an adjustment to the designated area.
Sec. 13-258. Reckless driving as would occur from speeding in congested traffic and screeching tires so as to break traction
NC General Statutes
NCGS § 20-141.3. Unlawful racing on streets and highways (under certain conditions we can seize the vehicles involved in the race and would do so)
NCGS § 20-140. Reckless driving
NCGS § 20-138.1. Impaired driving
What is permissible so that everyone can enjoy their cars and socialize?
SPD encourages car enthusiasts to use the designated public parking spaces to display or show off the work they have done to their cars. Please be cognizant of the open businesses and respect their customers’ egress to eat and shop by using parking areas that are in areas used less on weekend nights. If parking becomes an issue for the open businesses, the SPD will have to enforce the appropriate parking regulations.
Make sure you properly social distance to avoid spreading COVID19 and wear masks as appropriate.
We encourage raising the hoods to show the work you’ve done on your cars, but SPD will have to address the loud noise from modified engines and any revving of engines as unlawful noise.
Any consumption of alcohol must be done at a properly licensed restaurant or location. A designated driver must be identified to ensure everyone gets home safely. Driving while impaired will be addressed with zero tolerance.