Apply To Beautify Your Neighborhood
Now’s the chance to submit a Salisbury neighborhood for BlockWork, a grass-roots program developed in 2010 by the Community Appearance Commission’s Neighborhood Leaders Alliance (NLA) to beautify Salisbury neighborhoods.
BlockWork applications, for neighborhoods within City of Salisbury limits, will be accepted through Friday, June 10, by the Salisbury Community Appearance Commission and Salisbury Housing Advocacy Commission.
The 2022 BlockWork event has been set for Saturday, Oct. 22, on, “National Make a Difference Day.” The event strives to bring residents and community volunteers together to build cleaner and safer neighborhoods, one block at a time. Projects include carpentry, painting, landscaping, and general clean-up in a one-block area. Long-term maintenance responsibility is assumed by block property owners, residents, and neighborhood participants.
To nominate your neighborhood or to view guidelines, visit: Applications can be submitted by postal mail, email, or accepted in person with Alyssa Nelson at the City Office Building, 132 N. Main Street, Salisbury NC 28144 by Friday, June 10, 2022. For details, call (704) 638-5235 or email