The 2017 BLOCKWORK community is the 700-800 block of N. Lee Street, set for Saturday, Oct. 28, on the annual “Make a Difference Day.
BLOCKWORK is a grass-roots program developed in 2010 by the Community Appearance Commission's Neighborhood Leaders Alliance (NLA). The event strives to bring residents and community volunteers together to build cleaner and safer neighborhoods, one block at a time. Working together with property owners, residents, city staff and other support groups, participants help neighborhoods establish a proactive approach with stewardship of housing resources.
Six successful BLOCKWORK events have been held since its founding, including the initial event on S. Shaver St., which earned a National Make a Difference Day award and a $10,000 prize. Last year, volunteers worked in the 800 block of W. Monroe St. near Livingstone College.
Work plans are designed by key participants and include both a pre- and post- education phase. Projects include carpentry, painting, landscaping and general clean-up in a one-block area. Long-term maintenance responsibility is assumed by block property owners, residents, and neighborhood participants.
Volunteers are needed to help preserve the beauty and charm of this year’s BLOCKWORK neighborhood. To volunteer, please complete an application online at, call Alyssa Nelson at (704) 638-5235 for a mailed application or stop by the City Office Building at 132 N. Main St. by Monday, Oct. 2.