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10 March 2023

Let’s Come Together to Beautify Salisbury

Let’s Come Together to Beautify Salisbury

As a community, we all want to live in a clean city, but it takes effort from everyone to make that a reality. We can make our city more beautiful and sustainable by participating in any of these programs.

Whether it’s by cleaning up our streets or planting more trees, we can all work together to create a cleaner, more vibrant city for everyone to enjoy.


Our Sustainable Salisbury team provides four litter clean-up events a year. This is a great way to meet residents and city staff while helping Salisbury become litter free.

Not only does it help keep our streets, parks, and waterways clean, but it also fosters a sense of community pride and shared responsibility. Volunteers are provided with pickers, trash bags, vests, and gloves.

Keep a look out on the City of Salisbury’s social media platforms for where and when to sign up.

Spring Litter Sweep - Saturday, April 22
Summer Litter Sweep - Saturday, July 22
Fall Litter Sweep - Saturday, October 28


Nominate your block! Applications are being accepted for neighborhoods for the 2023 BlockWork event on Saturday, October 28. Applications are due Monday, May 1, 2023.

This annual event strives to bring residents and community volunteers together to build cleaner and safer neighborhoods.

Projects include carpentry, painting, landscaping and general clean-up in a one-block area. For more information, email or call (704) 638-5235.

Submit your block for the 2023 BlockWork at:


This program allows people to take ownership of a particular street or area and commit to regularly keeping it clean. By doing so, individuals and groups can make a direct impact on the cleanliness of our city, while also encouraging others to take pride in their neighborhoods.

Participants will adopt a street within city limits, then given pickers, bags, vests, and gloves to pick up litter along the adopted road.

There will also be road signs created displaying the name of the group or individual adopting the street.

To learn more, email or call (704) 638-2098.


This year we are hosting We Dig Salisbury, a tree give-away event. Planting trees is an excellent way to beautify our city, provide shade, and improve air quality.

This free event provides a unique opportunity to make a direct impact on our urban forest. Participants will receive a passport. Once their passport has been “stamped” at all event booths, they will receive a free tree and be entered for raffle prizes. There will also be tree planting demonstrations.

Saturday, March 25
10 a.m. - noon
Salisbury Town Creek Park
702 East Monroe Street


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