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Hurricane Ian Preparation

Hurricane Ian Preparation

The City of Salisbury is in full preparation mode for potential impacts from Hurricane Ian due to arrive in our area this weekend.

Crews have started clearing catch basins and storm drains, fueling vehicles, topping off fuel tanks, removing flags, and placing barricades in known flood areas.

Residents and visitors should expect the following if the current projected path remains:

  • 3-5 inches of rain
  • Sustained winds of 20-25 miles per hour with wind gusts of up to 60 miles per hour
  • Potential downed trees due to ground saturation
  • Flooding in flood-prone areas
  • Preparations should be completed by Friday mid-day

Review the following tips as you prepare for the storm’s arrival:

  • Check the storm drains and gutters around your home before the rain comes this weekend. This may help prevent flooding.
  • If you lose power and utilize a generator, only use them outside and in well-ventilated areas.
  • Don't use a gas stove or oven as a heating source if the power goes out.
  • Make plans now with family and friends for alternative shelter if your home is prone to flooding. Emergency shelters are not open in advance.
  • Don’t wait to evacuate if you notice rising waters. Move to a higher elevation as soon as you can.
  • Don't walk or drive through flooded areas, Turn Around, Don’t Drown
  • Downed trees can bring down power lines. Stay away from downed trees and treat all power lines as if they are live, and call 911.
  • Expected wind gusts could carry patio furniture, trash cans, toys, and bicycles. Bring them inside or tie them down.
  • If you have to evacuate, gather all of your medications and other necessities to take with you.  
  • Secure a safe place for your pets if you have to evacuate. Take them with you or find another safe location where they can stay.
  •  Translation services are available if you need to call 911.

For more information on storm preparation and what to do during and after a storm, please visit or visit

  • 28 September 2022
  • Author: Administration
  • Number of views: 12224
  • Comments: 0


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