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16 May 2017

Salisbury Rowan Utilities begins advanced wireless water meter installation

Salisbury-Rowan Utilities (SRU) will begin upgrades to its water meter system within the City limits this week. The “Smart Meter” project is expected to take approximately six months to complete.

Smart Meters, also known as Advanced Metering technology, allows for the wireless communication of water meter readings directly to the City. This innovative, “smart” system will collect multiple reads per day allowing for better leak detection, billing efficiency and improved customer service. Customers can track the installations via a map updated each week on the SRU webpage at       

“The new system will help SRU analyze, efficiently detect, and minimize water loss,” said Jim Behmer, Salisbury’s utility director. “After the project is complete, customers will have the opportunity to access their water usage from their own computer or a phone app and possibly detect early leaks themselves.”

Vanguard Utility Service will perform the installations working on behalf of SRU, with minimal interruption of water service. Vanguard installers will drive marked vehicles, wear yellow vests, and carry the appropriate Vanguard Utility Service identification. Before leaving the site, crews will test the new water meter by running about one to two gallons of water from an exterior hose or faucet.

In addition to reminders via the City’s Facebook, Twitter, Nextdoor and Nixle sites, customers will receive a letter or notice prior to installation in their area, and door hangers will be left at the main entrance to the property informing the customer of the status of the visit.

For concerns about your new meter installation, customers may contact Vanguard Utility Service at (704) 675-1005. For questions about billing, contact the City’s customer service department at (704) 638-5300.



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