West End residents are noticing a difference in street lighting along Lloyd and Bank Streets as Salisbury’s transportation department tests two different LED color temperatures in the two separate areas. Ultimately, residents must choose one proposed lighting choice for the neighborhood. West Bank St. near the Miller Center and Hall Gym currently features a “cool white” light, while the Lloyd St. area features a “warmer” light.
In 2015, the transportation department changed the lighting in 39 blocks in the West End to bring underlit areas up to current street lighting policy standards. Lighting again was a topic during the Byrne Criminal Justice Initiative (BCJI) community meetings.
“This particular lighting project was very timely because Duke Energy was already working in Salisbury on improved nighttime visibility, and other energy interests in the city when the lighting topic came up at BCJI meetings,” said Wendy Brindle, transportation director. “The upgrades do come with a cost, so before we upgrade key areas within the West End, we need feedback from residents on their preferences.”
Residents and visitors are encouraged to give their input via a survey at
westendpilot.startquestion.com. The deadline to respond is Friday, June 21.
For more information on the West End lighting survey, email Wendy Brindle at
wbrin@salisburync.gov or call
(704) 638-5201.