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About Hurley Park

Park Mission:

Hurley Park’s mission is to provide a haven for wildlife, a pleasant place to stroll and an outdoor educational experience. The natural landscape, extensive plantings, and elegant amenities provide year-round interest and beauty. It serves the community as a quiet place to enjoy being outside, as well as a site for weddings, exercise, informal meetings, and an annual spring celebration.

Park Vision:

To protect, preserve, and maintain a safe, beautiful, and quiet garden park according to the original design and available to the community year-round.

Elizabeth Holmes Hurley Park is an 18 acre public park composed of woodlands, streams, gardens, and quiet pathways. It includes collections of hollies, magnolias, ornamental fruit trees, a wildflower garden, azalea gardens, and many other plantings which provide year-round interest and beauty. Finely crafted benches and tables, specially designed bridges, and distinctive gazebos enhance the gardens and provide a framework for the Park. Hurley Park provides an educational experience, a haven for wildlife, and a pleasant place to stroll. It also serves the community as a site for weddings, walking programs, informal meetings, and an annual spring celebration.

From its beginning, Elizabeth Holmes Hurley Park has been a joint venture between public and private interests. In 1984, the Salisbury City Council approved money to be used in the development of the master plan. The city staff and a volunteer committee worked together to implement this plan and continue to maintain the Park to a high standard. A generous donation in memory of Elizabeth Holmes Hurley from her husband, J.F. Hurley Jr., and her sons, James Franklin, III, Haden Holmes, and Gordon Pannill Hurley, allowed for an ambitious schedule for this Park’s development. Mrs. Hurley, a lover of natural beauty, was one of the earliest residents of the City Lake area.

This private donation, along with a Land and Water Conservation Grant, provided for the initial Park development. The Park continues to be supported through a cooperative agreement between the City and the Hurley Foundation.

Many gardens, trees and furnishings have been dedicated in memory or honor of individuals or groups. Contributions of any amount will be gratefully accepted for long term maintenance of the park. Development of the park is based on a master plan, so all major gifts are reviewed by the staff.

Donate to Hurley Park

Or mail donations to:
Foundation for the Carolinas
220 N. Tryon Street
Charlotte, NC 28202

All monies are deposited in the Elizabeth Holmes Hurley Memorial Park Fund. Make checks payable to the Foundation for the Carolinas with Hurley Park Fund #2524 in the memo line. All donations are tax deductible.

Directions to Hurley Park:

Located at: 304 Annandale Ave.
From I-85 South, take exit No. 76, Salisbury. Turn left (from I-85 North, turn right). Proceed on West Innes Street until it intersects Fulton Street. Turn right onto North Fulton Street and continue until the street ends. Turn left onto Lake Drive which runs directly by Elizabeth Holmes Hurley Park on left. Located behind Novant Health Rowan Medical Center.

Hurley Park Garden Map

Map of Hurley Park Gardens

Contact Us

Public Garden Supervisor

Sarina Dellinger
(704) 638-5298

Public Garden Specialist

Karen Barbiero
(704) 638-4459

Hurley Park Operations Center

840 N. Caldwell St.
Salisbury, NC 28144

Park Address

304 Annandale Ave.
Salisbury, NC 28144

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Hurley Park Brochure (PDF)

Park Hours

All parks will open at 8 a.m. and non-lighted facilities or areas will close in accordance with the following schedule:

December, January 8 a.m. – 5 p.m.
February 8 a.m. – 6 p.m.
March, April 8 a.m. – 7:30 p.m.
May, June, July 8 a.m. – 8:30 p.m.
August, September, October 8 a.m. – 7:30 p.m.
November 8 a.m. – 6 p.m.

Bell Tower Green will be open the following hours:

November, December, January, February 8 a.m. – 6 p.m.
March, April 8 a.m. – 8 p.m.
May, June, July, August 8 a.m. – 10 p.m.
September, October 8 a.m. – 8 p.m.

Event date: 5/14/2025 2:00 PM Export event
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Hurley Park Advisory Board Meeting 5-14-2025

The Hurley Park Advisory Committee assists in the development of Hurley Park and seeks sponsors for Hurley Park in accordance with the master plan. The Committee also reviews and recommends developmental ideas presented to the Committee by the staff of the City of Salisbury or any other interested parties.

Meetings are held four times a year, at 2:00 p.m. at the Hurley Park Operations Center (840 N Caldwell St).

2025 meeting dates are::

  • February 12
  • May 14
  • August 13
  • November 12
Previous Article Hurley Park Advisory Board Meeting 8-13-2025

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This is an ecoEXPLORE Park!

See It!

After signing up online, participants go outside in their own backyard or at designated ecoEXPLORE HotSpots to find wildlife species, including plants, reptiles, amphibians, insects and birds.

Snap It!

Participants can use their own device – or check out an iPod Touch at a participating LoanSpot location – and photograph their wildlife observation, noting the data, location, time, size and species observed.

Share It!

Participants then log into their ecoEXPLORE profile online and submit their “share” or observation. Arboretum staff will then review the data and submit all approved submissions

Learn More About ecoEXPLORE

Hurley Park Newsletters

 Title Description
Fall 2024DownloadTake Time to Enjoy the Changing Seasons, Virginia Creeper: A Vibrant Native Vine, Butterfly Release
Spring 2024DownloadNew Trees and Exciting Additions, Nurturing Nature: Ways to Support Pollinators, Spring Celebration
Fall 2023DownloadSummer Camp Fun, Dedications and Donations to Park, Butterfly Release
Spring 2023DownloadFlowers & Updates Springing Up, Spring Celebration, Composting Basics, Pre-Order T-shirts
Fall 2022DownloadButterfly Release, Hurley Park will Be All A-Flutter, Create Your Own Pollinator Paradise, Fall Into Planting, Tips From The Garden
Spring 2022DownloadSpring Celebration, Dig In To Events at Hurley Park!, Cutting Back On Invasive Species, Tips From The Garden
Fall 2021DownloadButterfly Release, Updates at the Park Continue, OSCAR Makes A Clean Sweep
Summer 2020DownloadThis Year's Updates, New to Hurley Park, Tips From the Garden
Fall 2019DownloadButterfly Release, Garden Educational Lecture, Summer Cleaning
Summer 2018DownloadButterfly Release, Back to Butterflies!, Red Oak Receives a Helping Hand, Tips From the Garden
Spring 2018DownloadSpring Celebration, Welcome Spring, Weeds On Fire, Tips From the Garden
Map of Salisbury Community Park Trails

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