2022-2023 SYC Induction Ceremony
The Salisbury Youth Council (SYC) inducts new members during its Member Induction & Pinning Ceremony on Tuesday, Oct. 11.
The Salisbury Police Department secured warrants for Talib Latrell Kelly, age 21 of Salisbury. Kelly, who is not a Livingstone College student, is charged with attempted first-degree murder, discharging a firearm on educational property, and possession of a firearm by a felon for his involvement in the shooting incident at Livingstone College on Saturday, Oct. 15.
Salisbury City Manager Jim Greene, Jr. names Chris Tester interim public works director ahead of current Director W. Craig Powers’ final days with the city.
Salisbury Police Department to host fourth “Cultivating Community Conversations” event. These input and listening sessions are funded by a $25,000 Duke Energy Grant.
There is nothing more important than the safety and well-being of our community, particularly of our young people.
An update to the victims' conditions following the recent incident at Livingstone College: