2019 National Night Out
Neighborhoods in Salisbury are encouraged to host a National Night Out celebration, Tuesday, Aug. 6, with music, food, children’s games and other outdoor activities.
Founded in 1984 by the National Association of Town Watch, National Night Out is an annual campaign that promotes police-community partnerships and builds neighborhood camaraderie. The nighttime event, typically held the first Tuesday in August, also increases awareness of local law enforcement programs such as neighborhood watch and anti-crime initiatives.
Salisbury neighborhoods, along with Parks and Recreation and the Salisbury Police Department, are expected to welcome residents at various apartment complexes, the Fred Evans pool, churches, the Women’s Club, City Park and the Salvation Army.
Post your photos of National Night Out on social media using the hashtag #SalisburyNightOut.
Contact your neighborhood leader or Officer Rebecca Secton at rsext@salisburync.gov, or (704) 638-5333, for more information.