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Public Works Guide

Want all the information about waste collection, leaf services, recycling and more in one place? Download a copy of our Public Works guide, now in English and Spanish!

Public Works Guide - English (PDF)
Guía de Obras Públicas - Español (PDF)


City Garbage Services

Garbage is defined as refuse primarily generated from the kitchen and is treated differently than yard waste or recycling during the collection process. Trash, recycling, and yard waste should be gathered and placed at the curb separately: garbage (green roll out cart), recycling (blue cart from Republic Services). All garbage material should be placed in plastic bags before being placed in the green roll out cart provided to you by the City.

Residential and business curbside waste collection is provided by the Public Services department. Trucks are used to collect your garbage and waste collection occurs every week on the same day as your recycling and yard waste collection.

Regular garbage collection occurs on every holiday, except Christmas.

Helpful Hints
  • Carts should be rolled to the curb by 7:00 a.m. and rolled away from the curb by midnight on collection days.
  • Place your roll out on the curb, away from obstructions and not in the street.
  • Turn your roll out handle towards your house for pickup.

Restricted Items

The following items cannot be picked up by the Solid Waste Division:

  • Tires
  • Rims
  • Batteries
  • Vehicle Parts
  • Building Materials
  • Paint
  • Bricks
  • Concrete
  • Lumber
  • Shingles
  • Carpet


The city does conduct an annual citywide clean up, usually in the spring. During this time, tires (with no rims) and white goods (refrigerators, freezers, stoves, hot water heaters, air conditioners and washer and dryers) are collected.

Residential Services

The City Of Salisbury collects garbage weekly at the curb on the same day as yard waste and recycling collection. The City provides roll out carts for household garbage that should be rolled to the curb each week. Rear loader trucks are used to pick up residential garbage. Each resident is issued one cart at no charge. Roll out carts should remain at the residence if you move.

Business Services

The City also provides commercial garbage service to the Downtown business area via the City's commercial garbage truck. Businesses are allowed up to, but not more than three roll out containers. If a business requires trash pickup in addition to the maximum number of containers a dumpster of four yards or more is required.

Waste Collection Days

Click on the map below to lookup your waste collection days:

Regular garbage collection occurs on every holiday, except Christmas.

My Collection Services Map

Correct Cart Placement

With our collection service, cart placement is extremely important to guarantee our trucks can access them for pickup on collection days. The mechanical arm on the garbage trucks needs to have clear access to your cart(s). Proper cart placement also ensures your cart(s) are not missed on your scheduled collection day.

Please see the example below showing proper cart placement.

Cart Rules

  • Place your Garbage and/or recycling in the cart(s) provided to you by Republic Services.
  • Put your cart(s) at the roadside by 7:00 a.m. on your scheduled collection day.
  • Do not overfill or place things outside of your cart.
  • Place your cart(s) within two feet of the roadside, with the handle facing toward your property.
  • Each cart should have three feet between it and any other item such as another cart, mailbox, telephone pole, etc.

Leaf Collection

What is the process for loose leaf collection?

Vacuum machines collect loose leaves from mid-October until around mid-March only. Leaves will need to be bagged for collection during other times. Bagged leaves are collected on your regular yard waste collection day (the same day as trash collection).

During loose-leaf collection season (mid-October to mid-March), residents are asked to have all loose leaves raked to the curb by Monday morning of your collection week to be ensured they are collected by Friday. Pile leaves no more than five feet deep from the curb, up to any height, and at least three feet away from anything else. During this time, you may call (704) 638-5260 about scheduled collection in your neighborhood, or look for a schedule in your monthly billing notice.

2024-25 Leaf Map - English (PDF)

2024-25 Leaf Map - Spanish (PDF)
Leaf Collection Guidelines Infographic

Interactive Loose Leaf Collection Map:

With this custom application, citizens can enter their address in the Find Address box to find out when their leaf collection day occurs for their address.


Screenshot of Loose Leaf Collection Map application

Yard Waste Collection

What is the definition of yard debris?

Yard debris consists of limbs, grass and shrubbery clippings, leaves, and all vegetation from lawns and gardens. Do not set out piles of dirt for collection.

How should yard debris be placed on the curb for collection?

Yard Waste Inforgraphic (PDF)

Limbs should be cut into 6-foot lengths or shorter and stacked neatly at the curb, away from water meters, fire hydrants, utility poles, and guy wires. Do not mix other debris with limbs.

Hedge, shrubbery cuttings and vines will be collected at no charge provided that such cuttings do not exceed one hundred (100) pounds in weight and are placed in boxes or other containers suitable for handling. Limbs and large cuttings that cannot be bagged or boxed will be collected provided they do not exceed six (6) feet in length, and eight (8) inches in diameter. These limbs and large cuttings shall be placed on the front of the lot with the large ends of each limb facing the street. Limbs and cuttings exceeding one and one-half (1½) tons by volume will be assessed a ($75.00) fee per load.

It shall be unlawful to dump, throw, or otherwise discard grass cuttings, leaves, yard rakings, limbs, trash or rubbish into the streets or upon the paved or established sidewalks of the city.

Property or homeowners are responsible for removing tree stumps, tree trunks and all limbs that are greater than eight (8) inches in diameter and six (6) feet in length.

All other yard debris must be bagged and placed on the curb, separated from curbside trash, household garbage and recycling materials. Do not put yard debris in your green roll out container.

When is yard debris collected and how often?

Once each week on the same day that garbage and recycling materials are collected. Have it on the curb by 7:00 a.m.

Are there exceptions and/or restrictions to the collection schedule?

YES. Large piles of limbs will be collected by special equipment. This type collection may vary from your weekly schedule.

Is there a limit to the amount of limbs that are collected each week?

Each residence will receive up to one collection of limbs per week. Residential service is designed to assist homeowners in disposing of reasonable amounts of limbs and yard debris weekly

Bulky Item Pickup

What are the standards for roll outs, bulky items and yard waste?

  • All items left outside of City issued rollouts will be considered bulky.
  • To ensure collection of bulky Items on your trash collection day, items must be scheduled and payment handled no later than 2:30 pm the day before their scheduled collection day. Any bulk pickups scheduled after 2:30 PM will be picked up the following week.

  • Bulky items can be scheduled for collection in person, Monday through Friday, between 8:00 AM and 2:30 PM, at the Public Works Administration Building, located at 303 W Franklin St, Salisbury, NC 28144. Bulky items pickup can also be schedule over the phone by calling (704) 638-5260option 5, option 1, option 5. We accept Visa, and MasterCard for payment. Please note that Discover, American Express and checks by phone are not accepted currently.
  • Limits to yard waste collection – One truckload per week.
  • Place acceptable, scheduled bulk items at the curb no later than 7:00 am on your REGULAR TRASH DAY
  • Bulky items will be collected on the same day as your regular collection services. They are collected by a different truck than your regular trash rollout.

What are the fees for waste collection?

Two bulky items ($5 for each additional bulk item - $10 minimum) $10
Each bag or box $2.50
Bulk Brush Removal Minimum Charge (applies to loads over a truck load) $75

Charges for specific cases will be calculated by Public Services Director or designee based on site visit.
All fees must be paid in advance of service.

What is and isn't accepted in garbage bins?


  • Extra bags, boxes, and bins of household items, trash, clothes, etc.
  • Furniture (couches, love seats, dressers, recliners, chairs, tables, regular furniture)
  • Mattresses and Box Springs – all sizes
  • Old appliances
  • Miscellaneous items such as treadmills, exercise equipment, bicycles, vacuums, lamps, artificial Christmas trees
  • Lawn mowers are accepted - must be drained of all fuel
  • Grills are accepted - must have gas tanks removed


  • We are unable to collect any type of building materials (paint, lumber, sheet rock, carpet, padding, large area rugs, shingles, toilets, sinks, windows, doors). Contact Rowan County Landfill at (704) 278-2211.
  • We are unable to collect TVs, computers, or electronics or hazardous items - Contact Rowan County Recycling Center at (704) 216-8589 (CALL FIRST about hazardous items, paints, oils, gas, liquids of any kind).
  • We are unable to collect pianos or hospital beds

What are Spruce Up Weeks?

The City of Salisbury provides Spring, Summer, Fall & Winter Spruce Up weeks to citizens allowing them to rid their homes of extra trash and household items at NO CHARGE.

For more information, check out

Dead Animal Pickup

City provides dead animal pickup in city limits.

The City of Salisbury will pick up dead animals in the city rights-of-way and streets within the city limits of Salisbury.

Please call (704) 638-5260 for collection.

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