The American Rescue Plan (ARP) provides $5 billion to assist individuals or households who are homeless, at risk of homelessness, and other vulnerable populations, by providing housing, rental assistance, supportive services, and non-congregate shelter, to reduce homelessness and increase housing stability across the country. These grant funds will be administered through HUD’s HOME Investment Partnerships Program (HOME).
HOME-ARP funds must be used to primarily benefit individuals or families from the following qualifying populations:
- An individual or family who lacks a fixed, regular, and adequate nighttime residence.
- An individual or family who will imminently lose their primary nighttime residence within 90 days.
- Individuals fleeing, or attempting to flee, domestic violence, dating violence, sexual assault, stalking, or human trafficking.
- Individuals for whom provision of supportive services or assistance herein would prevent homelessness or who are at the greatest risk of housing instability
- Veterans and their families that meet any of the preceding criteria.
HOME-ARP funds must be used to primarily benefit the qualifying populations through the four eligible activities:
- Tenant-Based Rental Assistance (TBRA) - payments to make up the difference between the amount a household can afford to pay for housing and the local rent standards and other costs to include security and utility deposits.
- Production or Preservation of Affordable Rental Housing (New Construction, Acquisition, Rental or Rehabilitation of housing units) - Acquire, construct and rehabilitate rental housing for occupancy by individuals and families that meet one of the Qualifying Populations.
- Provision of Supportive Services - Homeless prevention services and housing counseling. Also, includes supportive services such as childcare, basic educational skills, employment assistance and job training programs, legal services, rental application fees, security/utility, payment of rental arrears deposits, etc.
- Acquisition and Development of Non-Congregate Shelter Units (NCS) - These structures can remain in use as non-congregate shelter or can be converted to: 1) emergency shelter under the Emergency Solutions Grant program; 2) permanent housing under the Continuum of Care; or 3) affordable housing under the HOME Program (Includes locations where each individual or household has living space that offers some level of privacy such as hotels, motels, or dormitories).
Qualifying organizations can complete the below application during the period beginning December 1, 2021 through December 31, 2021.
To submit the application, download the pdf, then either fill it out electronically and use the submit form button, or print it and fill it out by hand, then drop it off or mail to: Candace Edwards, Housing Planner, 132 N. Main Street, Salisbury NC 28144.
Application (PDF)