As communities around the world celebrate Global Garbage Man Day on Monday, June 17 (and for some the celebration continues all week), Salisbury honors its own solid waste collection team. Kudos are in order for (pictured left to right), Tony Dito, Israel Vazquez, Jonathan Durham, Jeff Cardwell, Mark Pulliam, Izet Dizdarevic, Danny Rogers and James Horne, for keeping our neighborhoods clean.
“Garbage men are a sign of a healthy city,” said John Arwood, National Garbage Man Day founder.
How can I show my appreciation?
Place your bins correctly.
When placing your bins at the curb, keep themat least 10 feet away from mailboxes, parked cars or telephone lines.
Also, turn them so the wheels face your home and the lid opens towards the street
Join the recycling effort!
Let’s take some ownership for our garbage contributions.
Consider ways you can reduce, recycle and reuse the things being thrown in the garbage from your own home.
Say 'Thank you.'
Consider contacting public service (704) 638-5260 with a word of thanks and appreciation for all the weeks they do their job well!