Registration is open!
This month’s employee spotlight is Randy Allman. He has been employed with the Salisbury-Rowan Utilities (SRU) Department for 32 years. In his current role as a distribution and collections systems operations manager, Randy plans, organizes, directs, and manages division activities including the construction, maintenance, and repair of the water distribution and sewer collection systems.
Salisbury’s Dixonville-Lincoln Memorial Project Task Force recently celebrated enhancements to the city’s historic African-American cemetery, while also honoring those interred, Saturday, Sept. 16.
The Salisbury Police Department Victims Advocacy division will host two initiatives in October to bring greater awareness to domestic violence.
The Salisbury Fire Department is teaming up with the National Fire Protection Association® (NFPA) — the official sponsor of Fire Prevention WeekTM (FPW) for more than 100 years — to promote this year’s FPW campaign, “Cooking safety starts with YOU. Pay attention to fire preventionTM.” The campaign works to educate everyone about simple but important actions they can take when cooking to keep themselves and those around them safe.
Saturday, October 28, 2023 4-7 p.m.
Join us in Downtown Salisbury as we put a spin on our 2023 Halloween Fun Fest.
NC By Train making stops in Salisbury for aDay Out with Thomas ™
The N.C. Department of Transportation’s Rail Division announced today that NC By Train, the state’s passenger rail service, will make special stops in Salisbury for a Day Out With Thomas ™ at the N.C. Transportation Museum.
Loose leaf collection will begin on Monday, Oct. 16th and will end on Monday, March 11. During this time, please place your raked leaves at the curb by Monday morning of your collection week to ensure they are collected by that Friday. For proper pickup, make sure there are no large sticks, limbs, or trash debris in your leaf piles. Have the leaf piles no more than five feet deep from the curb and at least three feet away from any obstructions such as mailboxes, cars, and utility poles.
On Sunday, September 17, 2023 at approximately 09:07 AM, the Salisbury Police Department responded to 801 Park Avenue regarding a deceased individual.
The Fifth Annual Rowan Creek Week is happening from Saturday, Sept. 16 through Saturday, Sept. 23. In conjunction with multiple environmental organizations and local municipal departments, Creek Week offers recreational, educational, and volunteer opportunities to allow everyone to enjoy and contribute to healthy waters in our area. The City of Salisbury will host several events.