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The City of Salisbury achieves Silver Level in the Roadmap to Active, Connected Communities

Salisbury reaches new heights in promoting social connectivity, physical activity, and mental health

City Council 0 13937

The city of Salisbury announces the completion of the 2024 Move with the Mayor® (MWTM) Spring Mental Health and Physical Activity Challenge by reaching the silver level for its efforts to build active, connected communities.


College Night Out

Downtown Salisbury, Inc. 0 6899
Join us for College Night Out in Downtown Salisbury next month!🎉
College Night Out is an event where Downtown Development/DSI welcomes and invites students from our local colleges and new Rowan Salisbury School System teachers out for games, activities, food networking and so much more!

Bill Pay

City services that might be on your bill include water, sewer, trash, recycling and stormwater.

Pay by Mail:
City of Salisbury, P.O. Box 740600 Atlanta, GA 30374

1415 S. MLK Jr. Ave. Salisbury, NC 28144

Pay Online Please ensure you are using Google Chrome as your web browser for the most user-friendly experience to pay/view your invoice online.
«March 2025»

Looking for more events? Check out these local community calendars:
Downtown Salisbury Calendar
Salisbury Post Calendar
Visit Rowan County Calendar

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