Salisbury Police recognizes Domestic Violence Awareness Month October 2022
The Salisbury Police Department and the Family Crisis Council of Rowan County will host a number of initiatives this month to bring greater awareness to domestic violence.
Family Crisis Council (FCC) Executive Director Christina Rary, and Salisbury Police Victim/Witness Advocate Dr. Alberta McLaughlin, will lead programming to identify the signs of domestic violence, provide helpful services for those in distress, and recommend escape plan safety tips.
Domestic Violence is the willful intimidation, physical assault, battery, sexual assault, and/or abusive behavior as part of a pattern of power and control perpetrated by one intimate partner against another. It includes physical violence, sexual violence, threats, economic, and emotional/psychological abuse.
“Domestic violence knows no bounds,” said Dr. McLaughlin. “The number of women and men who suffer at the hands of their abusers come from all walks of life. Regardless of race, economic status, orientation, or nationality, this type of violence is never okay. Our partnership with the Family Crisis Council during Domestic Violence Awareness Month is to help those who may be suffering in silence, and to educate community members about abuse and our collective efforts to help end domestic violence.”
Christina Rary stated, “At Family Crisis Council we work collaboratively with community agencies to ensure life-saving services are available to help all survivors. Our partnership with Salisbury PD allows us to bring awareness to the growing domestic violence trends and to engage in best practices for our community. At FCC we offer support through our 24-hour crisis line, shelter, court advocacy program, and our hospital accompaniment program. To learn about our programs or to get involved as a volunteer visit our website at Together we can bring awareness to domestic violence and practice prevention strategies to ensure our neighbors live free from violence.”
Activities throughout October include:
- Wear Purple Wednesday – Supporters are urged to wear purple on each Wednesday in October and share using #WearPurpleWednesdays #FCCRowan #SalisburyPD
- Domestic Violence Awareness Half-Mile Peace Walk - Saturday, Oct. 22, 11 a.m. to noon, First Presbyterian Courtyard, 308 W. Fisher St, Salisbury, NC 28144.
- Paint the Town Purple - Pick up a purple bow to place on your mailbox or front door, now through Monday, Oct. 31. Visit the Family Crisis Council Community Office, 502 N. Long St, Salisbury, NC 28144, to pick up your bow.
Residents who are in a domestic violence situation can contact the Family Crisis Council 24-hour Hotline at 704-636-4718 or the National Coalition Domestic Violence Hotline at 1-800-799-SAFE (7233).