Project Safe Neighborhoods invites human services, second-chance providers to walk “A Mile in Their Shoes…"
Project Safe Neighborhoods once again hosts the “A Mile in Their Shoes” offender re-entry simulation, Wednesday, Nov. 9, 8:30 a.m. at the F&M Bank Trolley Barn, 125 E. Liberty Street. Human service employees, service providers, second-chance employers, and media are invited to attend the simulation to gain an understanding of the obstacles faced by those individuals transitioning back into their communities from incarceration.
The simulation will begin with an explanation of the event and instructions from the facilitator. Then, for two hours, participants will experience the first month of post-release life for re-entrants. There will be four, 15-minute segments in which participants navigate stations. Between each segment, re-entrants will return to their housing locations, i.e. home, halfway house, homeless shelter, or jail. Examples of possible stations to include the DMV, probation and parole, court, GED, bank, employer, social services, church, pawn shop, landlord/rent, transportation, health clinic, treatment, etc. The day ends with lunch and a guided discussion while debriefing participants regarding their experiences, their successes and failures.
Registration is required. Visit to register by Wednesday, Oct. 26.
Project SAFE Neighborhoods (PSN) is a nationwide and comprehensive commitment to the enforcement of firearms laws. This approach identifies illegal gun, gang crime and violent repeat offenders in an effort to make our communities and streets safer. PSN in Rowan County is about partnerships, strategic planning and research integration, training, outreach and accountability. Rowan County PSN partners with federal, state and local law enforcement and local community and faith-based organizations to develop research-supported strategies to reduce illegal and violent crime.
For more information on the re-entry simulation, contact Lorenzo Debose at or (704) 638-5361.