The Community Appearance Commission assists City Council in initiating, establishing, and enhancing programs, projects and policies that improve the overall physical appearance and quality of life in Salisbury.
Meetings for the CAC are held the 1st Wednesday of every other month at 4:00 pm. Meetings are held February, April, June, August, October, and December.
Special Requirements: Efforts are made to maintain a majority of members who have had special training or experience in a design field, such as architecture, landscape design, horticulture, city planning or a closely related field.
Incentive Grants
The CAC offers two different business incentive grants:
Keep Salisbury Beautiful Committee
Grants Committee
Landscape Committee
Landscape of the Month
The Community Appearance Commission initiated the Landscape of the Month Program as a way of recognizing residential and commercial property owners that do an exceptional job of maintaining the appearance of their landscapes.
Nominations are welcome April – October
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