If you’re planning to start new water service or change your existing water service, here’s what you need to know.
The final draft of the Parks and Recreation Master Plan will be presented to City Council on Tuesday, January 7, at a specially-called meeting at 5 p.m. Representatives from Land Design, a nationally-recognized planning, design, architecture, engineering and design firm with an office located in Charlotte, NC will be giving a short presentation on the plan along with representatives from the Parks and Recreation Department.
Jeremy Cline has been employed with the city since 2011, starting as a part-time firefighter. As fire captain, during his 24 hour shift duty, Jeremy supervises and coordinates activities of firefighters assigned to station 2. He ensures compliance with departmental maintenance standards, trains firefighters in use of fire equipment and emergency medical technologies, and responds to various types of emergency and non-emergency incidents.
The Elizabeth Duncan Koontz (EDK) Committee, a subcommittee of the Salisbury Human Relations Council, is currently accepting nominations for the 2020 Elizabeth Duncan Koontz Humanitarian Awards.
“We are excited to be recognized with the Runner Friendly Community designation,” said Salisbury Parks and Recreation Director Nick Aceves. “The continual expansion of our greenway system allows us to promote health and wellness opportunities to our residents. The partnership with Salisbury Rowan Runners (SRR), city departments, local businesses, The Carolina Thread Trail and the community as a whole has been supportive and involved. We all want to ensure our residents have the most accessible and enjoyable experiences in our parks, trails and sidewalks. This designation is truly the accomplishment of everyone in our city.”
Tickets are now on sale for Downtown Salisbury’s seventh annual Wine About Winter, wine tasting crawl. Wine connoisseurs throughout the region are invited to tour the wines of North Carolina in historic Downtown Salisbury, Friday, Feb. 7, 2020.
Recycling services are every other week for citizens in the City of Salisbury limits. Recycling is picked up on the same day as your regular trash. To find out which weeks your recycling will be collected, refer to the Recycling Calendar. The Recycling Calendar can be downloaded at www.salisburync.gov/RecyclingCalendar.
The new year is approaching and Salisbury Parks and Recreation Department is rolling out a temporary location for the 2019 New Year’s Eve Celebration. This year’s free, family event will be held at the Trolley Barn located at 165 E. Liberty Street from 9 p.m. to midnight. The location has been changed due to the Bell Tower Green construction.
The Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Celebration Committee, as part of the Human Relations Council, will host the annual weekend celebration to honor the civil rights icon, beginning Saturday, Jan. 18, through Monday, Jan. 20, 2020.
Salisbury City Council last month approved a construction contract to begin work on the highly-anticipated Newsome Road project. Expected to start in February 2020, the project will include a widened roadway on both sides, repaving, a sidewalk, bike lanes, and ditch removal to make way for new curbs and gutters.