Salisbury’s Bell Tower Green Park, the Bankett Station project, and the entire Salisbury Parks and Recreation Department continue to celebrate their honors bestowed at the recent North Carolina Main Street Awards ceremony held last week in Statesville, N.C.
The Salisbury Police Chief’s Advisory Board will ask for input from residents on the upcoming chief of police search during a Community Input Forum, Monday, March 20, at City Hall Council Chambers, at 6 p.m. The public engagement session provides an opportunity for Salisbury stakeholders to share their views on specific experiences and characteristics desired in the next Salisbury police chief.
The City of Salisbury has reached an agreement with Cube Yadkin Generation to fund a portion of the $31.5 million project to relocate the City’s raw water pump station at the Yadkin River. The pump station is critical to the City’s water supply infrastructure and provides drinking water for more than 52,000 Salisbury-Rowan Utilities’ customers. Once complete, this infrastructure project will protect the City’s pump station from the effect of worsening flooding at the current location.
The Salisbury Police Department continues to investigate an incident that occurred on the Catawba College campus, Sunday, February 12, just before 3 a.m.
Salisbury-Rowan Utilities customers who receive utility bills through U.S. Mail will receive a second, corrected bill for January after a billing error sent a duplicate of December’s bill this month. Penalties will be waived for all customers for the month of January.
Now is the time to take steps now to protect your property and health from the extreme cold expected over the next few days:
The process to obtain a city of Salisbury special events permit has shifted to an online application that is now managed by the fire department. The planning department previously directed the permitting process, but an increase in commercial and residential development applications demands more team resources. In addition, this shift will also allow the fire department to review the permits and ensure a public safety plan is met for each event.
The Salisbury Police Department (SPD) has been awarded an additional $25,000 grant from the Duke Energy Foundation as part of its $1 million pledge to social justice and racial equity in North Carolina.
Seven local children and teens gathered at Salisbury’s City Hall over the first weekend in November for film, fun and food as part of Inside|Out Global’s Fall 2022 Video Camp.
In an effort to fill a variety of staff vacancies within the organization, the city of Salisbury launches its “Be The Difference” recruitment campaign this week.