Salisbury City Council will continue a series of Community Town Halls this month regarding the City Council election process. The input sessions provide an opportunity for residents to share their ideas and suggestions regarding the election process with City Council members.
The Salisbury Police Chief’s Advisory Board will ask for input from residents on the upcoming chief of police search during a Community Input Forum, Monday, March 20, at City Hall Council Chambers, at 6 p.m. The public engagement session provides an opportunity for Salisbury stakeholders to share their views on specific experiences and characteristics desired in the next Salisbury police chief.
Cheerwine the iconic 106-year-old cherry soda and its hometown, the City of Salisbury, will host the annual Cheerwine Festival on Saturday, May 20, from noon to 10 p.m.
Residents are invited to apply to the City’s 14 active, standing boards and commissions created and appointed by Salisbury City Council. Boards and commissions are made up of volunteer positions to help guide Salisbury’s present and future.
City departments will have a budget kickoff Monday, Feb. 6, in preparation for the upcoming fiscal year. Fiscal Year 2024 (FY2024) is the city’s budget year that will run from July 1, 2023 through June 30, 2024. The adopted budget ordinance will set the new tax rate and city fees.
The City of Salisbury will operate on the following schedule for the Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. holiday, Monday, Jan. 16.
The City of Salisbury will operate on the following schedule for the Christmas and New Year’s holidays:
Job seekers are encouraged to attend a citywide career Open House, Friday, Dec. 9, from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m., at various city-owned buildings such as the fire department, police department, the Customer Service Center and Salisbury-Rowan Utilities.
The City of Salisbury will operate on the following schedule for the Thanksgiving Day holiday:
The City of Salisbury will operate on the following schedule for the Veterans Day holiday, Friday, Nov. 11: