This month’s employee spotlight is Arlette Oglesby. In 1988, she started her career with the City of Salisbury Administration Department as support staff for the city manager, assistant city manager and city clerk.
The City of Salisbury will operate on a limited schedule for the Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. holiday, Monday, Jan. 17.
This month’s employee spotlight is Lieutenant P.J. Smith. He has more than 16 years of experience with the Salisbury Police Department. Lt. Smith has worked in various assignments to include: patrol officer, detective, patrol sergeant, and current position of lieutenant. In his current role, Lt. Smith is responsible for supervising vice narcotics, records department, Project Safe Neighborhood Program, and the Rowan Regional Crime Information Center (RRCIC).
The City of Salisbury will operate on the following schedule for the Christmas and New Year’s holidays:
Starting a career with the City of Salisbury in 2003 as the City’s first webmaster, Jason Parks currently serves as Video Services Coordinator / TV Station Manager. In his role, Jason does project research, provides audio and video support to City staff, and film projects such as City Council meetings and PSAs. He is also responsible for creating and managing content for WSRG-TV, the City’s local government TV station.
The City of Salisbury will operate on the following schedule for the Thanksgiving Day holiday.
This month’s employee spotlight is Cyndi DeBonis, a Salisbury police officer. True to the motto of “Every officer has a neighborhood and every neighborhood has an officer,” Cyndi takes calls for service primarily in Zone three and assists officers in other zones. She also serves warrants and helps with traffic accidents.
The City of Salisbury will operate on the following schedule for the Veterans Day holiday, Thursday, Nov. 11:
This month’s employee spotlight is Atalie Bare, a Senior Administrative Specialist for the City of Salisbury. In this role, she works as a part of the administration team in the clerk and mayor’s office. Atalie performs administrative duties and serves as a liaison between departments and the public daily. Prior to joining the administration team, she worked as a Customer Service Representative at the Salisbury Customer Service Center.
The City of Salisbury has been awarded the North Carolina Department of Labor (NCDOL) Certificate of Safety Achievement Second Consecutive Year Gold award.