Three Downtown Salisbury stakeholders, local architecture and development firms, and Downtown Salisbury, Inc. (DSI) received honors at the recent North Carolina Main Street Awards ceremony.
Urban Wildlife
Did you know that you do not need to drive to the mountains or NC State Parks to see wildlife? We are surrounded by exotic wildlife right here in the city of Salisbury! Salisbury naturally offers great habitat for a wide variety of life. From white-tailed deer, to coyotes, turkey, otters, water fowl, and foxes. What draws them to our region is their natural habitats that surround us.
The Salisbury Police Department is currently investigating a shooting in the 300 Block of West D Ave.
The Salisbury Police Department is currently conducting a Homicide Investigation in the 400 Block of Ludwick Avenue.
Springtime is here bringing with it a fresh spirit of optimism and a feeling of renewal. This season gives us an opportunity to unencumbered our lives from the trappings of modern living. Spring is a time to simplify, rejuvenate and retool. One way we can do this is by exercising the springtime ritual of spring cleaning.
Before you selectively prune any tree, call an Arborist. They can guide you through the process and educate the consumer if you need to thin your tree or not. As stated in the bullet points you can remove dead, diseased, dying, or broken limbs, any time throughout the year. You selectively removed those limbs to strengthen and improve the structure of the tree.