Drive-thru tree giveaway! Enjoy local nature/educational booths, tree give-a-ways, as well as raffle prizes at this free event from the Community Appearance Commission and the Tree Board.
As the Dixonville-Lincoln Memorial Project ends phase two, Task Force members are seeking assistance in identifying individuals who may have been buried in the Dixonville Cemetery located on Old Concord Road.
City officials will begin adjusting the draft Downtown Main Street Plan based on public feedback in preparation for a presentation to City Council, Tuesday, March 2. The next draft of the plan will be released during the week of Feb. 22.
The City of Salisbury will operate on the following schedule for the Presidents Day holiday, Monday, Feb. 15:
The City of Salisbury will operate on a limited schedule for the Martin Luther King, Jr. holiday, Monday, Jan. 18.
In summer 2019, the City of Salisbury hired McAdams, an engineering and design firm, to design plans to improve the safety, mobility and appearance of a 10-block section of Main St. The City is looking for public input on plans for restriping and the opportunity to change the lanes and parking on Main Street.
The City of Salisbury will enforce the fee for fire lane violations, effective January 1, 2021. The Salisbury Code of Ordinances (Appendix F; Article VI) was updated on July 1, 2020, to increase the parking in fire lane fee from $5 to $50. The revised fee schedule was included in the annual budget adoption by City Council. The fee increase will hopefully deter individuals from parking in a fire lane which limits fire engines ability to access structures during emergencies.
The Salisbury Community Appearance Commission (CAC) is pleased to announce the winners of the 15th annual Holiday Storefront Decorations Awards. The event celebrates downtown merchants whose window displays best capture the holiday season.
The City of Salisbury will operate on a limited schedule for the Christmas and New Year’s holidays.
The City of Salisbury will operate on the following schedule for the Thanksgiving Day holiday.