Salisbury Fire Chief Bob Parnell is pleased to announce the promotion of Tyler Forrest to Battalion Chief.
The City of Salisbury will operate on the following schedule for the Veterans Day holiday, Friday, Nov. 10...
Salisbury Police investigators and the State Bureau of Investigations are continuing their investigation of the homicide which occurred Friday night. The shooting took place at 510 E. Innes St.
Due to a power outage, the bills were delayed in printing and shipping. We apologize for this delay. Bills will be due on the 15th of this month.
The City of Salisbury Police Department (SPD) has invited the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) Office of Justice Programs (OJP) Diagnostic Center to assist with determining the nature and extent of persistence crime issues and identify evidence-based solutions to address violent crime, opioid use and community engagement.
The City of Salisbury Fire Department is planning to construct a new fire station in 2018 at 310 Cedar Springs Road, Salisbury. While the new station will serve the entire city, it will primarily service its own fire response district -- the incorporated areas south of the Mid Carolina Airport. The facility is identified as City of Salisbury Fire Station Number 6. Salisbury residents are invited to an Open House Wednesday, Nov. 1, 6 to 8 p.m. at Fire Station 2, 2312 S. Main St., to hear more information on this project.
Salisbury Transit is pleased to announce that rides will be free on all fixed routes for Election Day, Tuesday November 7th. Free rides will be offered from the beginning to the end of the service day on all buses, Salisbury Transit wants to help you get to your polling place. You do not need to show a pass in order to ride. Friday, Nov 10 the City of Salisbury will be observing Veterans Day and there will be NO bus service. In thanks to our Veterans, our Veterans will ride the bus FREE on Saturday, November 11th.
Fifteenth Annual Bicycle Giveaway
The Salisbury Police Department has, once again, partnered with Gerry Wood Auto Group to conduct its fifteenth annual Christmas Bicycle Giveaway program.
ICMA is the International City/County Management Association
W. Lane Bailey, city manager, Salisbury, North Carolina, was installed today as Southeast Regional Vice President of ICMA, the International City/County Management Association, during the organization’s 103rd Annual Conference in San Antonio, Texas. He was elected for the three-year term on June 23.
Beginning next month the Salisbury Police Department will expand its community oriented policing efforts to include a quarterly informational series entitled, “Community Classroom.”