The Elizabeth Duncan Koontz (EDK) Committee, a subcommittee of the Salisbury Human Relations Council, is currently accepting nominations for the 2022 Elizabeth Duncan Koontz Humanitarian Awards.
Salisbury Mayor Karen Alexander will host the Virtual Mayor’s Spirit Luncheon, Monday, August 9, from noon to 1 p.m., live via the City’s Facebook page.
Rowan County parents, caregivers and students are invited to the bi-annual 2021 Back-to-School Community Resource Fair, Saturday, Aug. 14, 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. at the Salisbury Civic Center, 315 S. MLK, Jr. Ave. Local non-profit organizations and businesses will be on hand to speak to residents about support services offered.
Jill Burch, the late Paul Fisher and Matthew Marsh have been named winners of the 2021 Elizabeth Duncan Koontz Humanitarian Award. The trio will be honored during a virtual presentation today, Thursday, April 8, at 5:30 p.m. via the Salisbury Human Relations Council Facebook page and on WSRG-TV -- Fision Channel 394 and Spectrum Channel 16.
The Elizabeth Duncan Koontz (EDK) Committee, a subcommittee of the Salisbury Human Relations Council, is currently accepting nominations for the 2021 Elizabeth Duncan Koontz Humanitarian Awards.
To help aid preventative measures of spreading COVID-19, the City of Salisbury has updated building closings and other cancellations. Please refer to the list below, and check back frequently for updates at For more information on the city's response to COVID-19, visit
For Rowan County info, visit For more on how to support local businesses during this crisis, visit
The Salisbury Community Action Teams (CATS), will host its third annual Community Resource Fair for parents and school children, Saturday, Aug. 15, 9:30 a.m. to noon, at the Civic Center, 315 S. Martin Luther King, Jr. Ave. This year’s event will take the form as a drive-thru event to remain consistent with COVID-19 precautions.
Mayor Karen Alexander declared a state of emergency for the City of Salisbury related to the COVID-19 virus (Coronavirus), following a similar declaration by Rowan County. The declaration authorizes the City to apply for financial assistance related to preparation, response and recovery of COVID-19 if needed through state or federal agencies.
To help aid preventative measures of spreading COVID-19, we strongly encourage all visitors to utilize online or phone services as an alternative to face-to-face interactions. We have options for our departments and our bill pay.
To help aid preventative measures of spreading COVID-19, and following the guidance of recent coronavirus advisories provided by federal, state and Rowan County Public Health and other agencies, there will be closings, postponements and cancellations. Please read more to see the list, and check back for updates at