This message comes to you today with sadness, a heavy heart, disbelief, anguish and many shed tears. The news of the violent deaths of 49 innocent Muslim worshippers is hard to accept. In addition, another 48 people have been hospitalized.
Perigee by Greensboro, N.C. sculptor Dane Winkler has won Best in Show in the 2018 Salisbury Sculpture Show “Discover What’s Outside.”
This was the 10th year the Salisbury Public Art Committee has hosted the nine-month long, award-winning Sculpture Show, with 16 art pieces enlivening the downtown, four on college campuses, and three displayed in the county.
The City of Salisbury has been named a Tree City USA community by the Arbor Day Foundation in honor of its commitment to effective urban forest management. This is the 33rd year Salisbury has earned the national designation.
On March 5, 2019 at 2:29 pm, Salisbury Police were notified of a child that was being airlifted to NC Baptist Hospital for treatment of a dog bite. Upon investigation, officers determined that the incident happened at the home of the child’s baby sitter at 716 Wilson Road in Salisbury.
Michael Cotilla is the code services coordinator for the City of Salisbury Community Planning Services, specializing in minimum housing. Michael has been employed with the city since 2010, starting in Salisbury-Rowan Utilities before transitioning to code services.
The City of Salisbury has been designated one of two cities as a Runner Friendly Community by the Road Runners Club of America. To obtain this designation, the City was evaluated in three primary categories: community infrastructure, community support and local government support.
The community is invited to attend the Spring Celebration held at the Elizabeth Holmes Hurley Park on Sunday, April 7, from 2 to 4 p.m. The annual, family-friendly celebration will feature outdoor activities for all ages, refreshments, activities throughout the gardens and live entertainment.
With the 2019 Cheerwine Festival just around the corner, the City of Salisbury is seeking volunteer groups to assist with the daylong festivities. Civic and service organizations are encouraged to volunteer in groups of 10 people or more on Saturday, May 18, for at least one, three-hour period.
The Salisbury Police Department has reinstated its popular ride-along program that allows civilians to shadow a police officer. In 2017, the program was temporarily suspended in order for recruit officers to train with veteran officers in an accommodating and conducive work environment. Now that the department is fully staffed, Lt. Joe Miller requested that the program be reinstated for the police department.
The City of Salisbury and Downtown Salisbury, Inc. will host the 2019 North Carolina Main Street’s annual three-day conference from Tuesday, March 12 to Thursday, March 14. The conference theme is centered on the foundation of a solid Main Street program integrating a combination of time, talent, and money arranged like a well-run production, that generates measurable downtown revitalization results.