SPD Announces Follow-Up Investigation Of Citadel Nursing Home SPD Announces Follow-Up Investigation Of Citadel Nursing Home Salisbury Police Department / Thursday, April 23, 2020 0 21668 Detectives with the Salisbury Police Department completed a follow up investigation regarding several complaints of neglect at the Citadel nursing home at 710 Julian Rd. in Salisbury at 10:00 AM on April 23, 2020. Our detectives accompanied the Department of Social Services and the Rowan County Health Department while conducting an inspection of the facilities. Read more
RoCo Alerts still valuable communications tool, minus hiccup RoCo Alerts still valuable communications tool, minus hiccup City of Salisbury and Rowan County / Thursday, April 23, 2020 0 20126 Rowan County and City of Salisbury staff have few communication tools at their disposal to push emergency messages to the community. But none are more effective than RoCo Alerts. This new program has allowed us to send notifications to a large group of people at once for events such as severe weather, missing elderly residents, chemical spills, and lost children. If necessary, we are able to reach just over 55,000 residents between landline telephones, cell phones and email. While cell phone and email addresses are included via opt-ins, landline telephone numbers are included from the telephone company. Think of it as a reverse 911 call to your home telephone Read more
Downtown Salisbury, Inc. debuts new, mobile-first website Downtown Salisbury, Inc. debuts new, mobile-first website Downtown Development / Thursday, April 23, 2020 0 19221 Downtown Salisbury, Inc. (DSI) has launched its new website at downtownsalisburync.com. In partnership with City of Salisbury staff, the development and design of the website was completed in-house, at no cost. Read more
Salisbury-Rowan Utilities advises closed buildings to flush pipes Salisbury-Rowan Utilities advises closed buildings to flush pipes Salisbury-Rowan Utilities / Tuesday, April 21, 2020 0 19650 During the COVID-19 crisis, an increasing number of buildings are becoming vacant or used less frequently. Salisbury-Rowan Utilities brings awareness for customers to flush pipes to prevent water quality degradation. Read more
SPD searching for gold or silver SUV in fatal hit and run SPD searching for gold or silver SUV in fatal hit and run Salisbury Police Department / Saturday, April 18, 2020 0 21111 Officers with the Salisbury Police Department are investigating a head on Hit and Run collision which resulted in a fatality. Read more
Local Officers Read to Kids For Reading Month Local Officers Read to Kids For Reading Month Salisbury Police Department / Friday, April 17, 2020 0 21618 March is National Reading Month across the United States. The Salisbury Police Department (SPD) encourages parents, caretakers and children of all ages to read not only in March but year round. Last month, the officers visited local preschools and elementary schools as part of their National Reading Month challenge to read and promote literacy in the community. Read more